With global quarterly smartphone sales passed 250 million phones in the end of 2013, the demand for business application is growing rapidly.

One of the business applications for smart phone is ability to record Job Safety Analysis electronically.

The demand for Job Safety Analysis (JSA) software running on phones has increased due to the low cost and the availability of the mobile devices.  As most of construction and field workers already carry smart phones, using their phones for completing Job Safety Analysis (JSA) before commencing their activities does not require additional hardware investment.

Job Safety Analysis

Office Database

To maximize utilisation and return-on-investment, Job Safety Analysis (JSA)  applications should be connected to a database back in the office.   JSA application should be designed  to collect information, and transfer information to and from the office database and  back to the smart phone  seamlessly. The office database should provide in real time a variety of  functions including alerts, reports, risk analysis, notifications and analysis tools.

 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) application features should be:


  1. The Application must be easy to use. As it is used in the field, field workers must be able to rapidly ‘master’ the Application, learn how to navigate to their desired screen/function, and adopt the App as an ‘extension’ of their business tools/gadgets.
  2. Offline mode- I am a strong fan of ‘offline mode’ field applications, in which employees can use their App without being dependent on connectivity. The JSA App is therefore replacing paper forms with a significantly better tool – but without the need for continuous connectivity and increased costs. So, how would an ‘offline’ App work without the need for connectivity? It’s pretty simple. The user can send and receive all the required information and pictures wirelessly at any time; but once data is sent or received, users can record all required information directly onto their device while it is ‘offline’. Similar to an email client, the field worker control when and how data is sent back to the office. This eliminating dependency on connectivity in remote  locations or in areas without connectivity (e.g. basements) and reducing costs since data can also be transmitted using Wi-Fi.
  3. Picture-taking and integrating the image with the JSA results and/or Hazards  is essential. Employees must be able to snap images and ‘doodle’ on their pictures as required (e.g. identifying the hazard or the non-compliance). In addition, wireless transmission of pictures must be done efficiently and securely without exposing your server to security breaches.
  4.  Simplifying data collection by standardizing functions and drop-down lists is essential. The employee  must be able to select values from as many drop-down lists as possible for example- (Hazard identification, precautions, equipment required, environmental hazards, ,and therefore minimize data entry.
  5. Voice recording- the JSA application should also allow for voice recording of findings and recommendation to save time while entering the data in the field.
  6. Signature – sign on the glass by the employee completing the JSA.