Mines are notoriously dangerous and so a successfully implemented mine safety inspection software suite is an essential tool in preventing accidents and ultimately ensuring a safe workplace for mine workers. There are a number of safety concerns for mine safety managers to control on a mine site. A regular mine safety inspection regime is thus essential in ensuring these concerns are dealt with appropriately.

The problem for mine sites that have not implemented a mine safety inspection software suite stems from the use of systems based on hard-copy, paper inspection reports. Inspectors usually complete these reports with a clipboard and pen which leaves room for human error. If an accident occurs, such errors can be extremely costly and risk the lives of mine workers.

Mine Safety Inspection Software

Mine safety inspection software duplicates paper-based inspection forms and checklists. Inspectors can complete their reports using a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet or personal digital assistant (PDA). The mine safety inspection software will alert the inspector if an inspection checklist item has been omitted. This way nothing can “slip through the cracks”.

Other benefits of mine safety inspection software over the paper-based alternative include the ability to capture, annotate and attach photographs to inspection reports as well as the ability to add audio recorded notes to inspection reports.

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